WOTWN Empower: 
Resiliency and Overcoming Past Trauma with Tyana Kelley


Are you struggling to put your trauma in the past? Do you want to be a better, calmer person? Join Tyana Kelley, founder of Purple Horizons and the Heart Prism Plan, for focused coaching on identifying areas of improvement, how to deal with triggers, and coping mechanisms to make you more resilient moving forward. 

What makes The Heart Prism Plan special is that it's unique to each participant. Our safe space allows each person to be completely honest about what is happening in their own life so that they can see what's going well and where improvements can be made.

Week 1: Introduction to program with Tyana and Elle

Week 2: Heart Prism Plan Interactive Inventory #1

Week 3: Heart Prism Plan Interactive Inventory #2

Week 4: Triggers--What are they, and how do we deal with them?

Week 5: Building Resiliency 

Week 6: Final check-in, questions, closing

Each session is one hour. Empower sessions:

July 14 @6:00PM PST
July 21 @6:00PM PST
July 28 @6:00PM PST
August 4 @6:00PM PST
August 11 @6:00PM PST
August 18 @6:00PM PST

About Tyana Kelley

Tyana Kelley is a holistic coach who helps women with all the aspects of their lives, including business, family, and self-care. 

By integrating her experience as a doula and her masters degree in strategic communication, Tyana has created a one-of-a-kind assessment tool, called The Heart Prism Plan, that shows women exactly where their strengths and weaknesses are right now, so they can focus their attention where they need it most to succeed over the next 30, 60 or 90 days. 

In addition to coaching, Tyana offers brand strategy sessions and logo and website design. Her clients love having one person to share their stories with, who then can create the perfect branding for them. 

Tyana lives in Spokane, Washington with her husband of 15 years, twins, and two dogs. She loves tap dancing, knitting, and talking to her friends on the phone. 

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