WOTWN Empower: 

Thriving in Your Career with a Proven 5-Step Faremouth Method 

Week 1: Introduction. Overview of 5 Step Faremouth Method

Week 2: Do a Self Inventory

Week 3: Ask Better questions

Week 4: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Week 5: Take Time to Do it Right

Week 6: Be a Hunter

Each session is one hour. Empower sessions:

January 18 @12:00PM PST
January 25 @12:00PM PST
February 1 @12:00PM PST
February 8 @12:00PM PST
February 15 @12:00PM PST
February 22 @12:00PM PST

About Mary Ann Faremouth
Mary Ann is looking forward to sharing her 30 years of success in career coaching and recruiting with the members of WOW.  This module will take you through her 5 Step Faremouth Method, from her award-winning book, "Revolutionary Recruiting" and also incorporate her latest workbook, "Revolutionary Reinvention"  into the program.  This method has assisted many people in finding alignment to their true passions and interests to be able to seek the career field that gives them joy and success.  Her first book, "Revolutionary Recruiting" was awarded the No. 1 Recruiting book out of 100 best books in this category by Book Authority!  She is happy to share this very valuable information during these changing times.

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